Welcome to our Virtual Library!
This web site is designed to help our students, staff and school community access information and resources available through our library. It is a work in progress so revisit when needed as new resources and links will be added from time to time.
This web site is designed to help our students, staff and school community access information and resources available through our library. It is a work in progress so revisit when needed as new resources and links will be added from time to time.
![]() Angellina Burns B.Sc., B.Ed. Post Grad Certificate - Teacher Librarian angellina.burns@yesnet.yk.ca |
Christ the King Elementary School
20 Nisutlin Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon. Y1A 3S2
Tel. 867-667-3527 Fax. 867-667-3666
20 Nisutlin Drive, Whitehorse, Yukon. Y1A 3S2
Tel. 867-667-3527 Fax. 867-667-3666